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Hitmaker winner Kenneth Hadley helps woman lost from group – News Channel 5 Nashville

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NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WTVF) — It’s no secret now, Nashville is now the bachelorette party capital. That means thousands of people from across the country descend on Nashville for drinks and dancing.
Many of them may be visiting Music City for the first time, looking to have fun and enjoy the bright lights of Broadway.
But, what happens if there’s a wrong turn? It happened a couple of months ago, when one woman was separated from her bachelorette group, in the middle of the night.
She sought shelter in the lobby of a downtown hotel, and met the man she needed at that moment. It’s why he’s the best of the best in hospitality.
This month’s Music City Hitmaker works for the Hilton Nashville Downtown, which is just steps away from Broadway’s iconic Honkey Tonks.
Tons of tourists and revelers are always ready to enjoy the night, and a night patrol at the Hilton typical for Security Supervisor Kenneth Hadley. Until — it wasn’t.
“She came in, between 3 and 4 in the morning. Visibly upset, visibly shaken,” explained Hadley, a veteran.
“She” was a young woman from out of state who’d become separated from friends. It was late at night, dark, and most of the bars on Broadway had closed. The woman walked into the hotel here looking for refuge and solace — and spots Hadley.
The security supervisor approached her and said ‘Ma’am, is there anything I can do to assist you?’ Because if I had a child I would want someone to do that to them, you know?”
She wasn’t a guest at the hotel and was only carrying her phone, which she was on. That’s when Hadley spoke to the caller.
On the other end of that line was her mother. She asked for one simple thing: “For me to help her daughter.”
And help he did. Going above and beyond, like Hitmakers do.
After the girl’s mother tracked down the address of the rental where the bachelorette group was staying in East Nashville, Hadley tried to get her a ride.
“Everything we tried was canceled,” he explained.
But, Hadley wasn’t about to give up. “I was getting ready to take my lunch break, so I just said ‘hey, you know what?’ I’ll take care of you.”
So, just before dawn the unlikely duo buckled up in the company car for the drive that would reunite the once distraught bachelorette attendee with the group she got lost from.
“I sat out front and made sure she got up to the door,” Hadley explained. He wanted to be sure someone opened the door for her, “because I’m not just going to leave her.”
Not a man like Kenneth Hadley, who’s won a Hitmakers award twice, by the way. The watchful protector, doing the right thing.
“Just wanted to make sure she got in safe…safe and secure,” said Hadley proudly.
If you know a hospitality worker in Nashville doing great things like Hadley, nominate them for a hitmakers award right here

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