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wedding photo

Introducing Text Event Pics

Picture This…

It’s your wedding day. You’ve hired a photographer, who is capturing behind the scenes footage in the next room, when your niece presents a surprise performance for family. Personal phones begin snapping pictures, but you are still occupied. When you hear the news, you take a peek around the corner and see a display screen begin to rotate photos from guest phone footage and smile, relieved. Not a moment has been missed, and all is safely captured and instantly copyrighted within your Text Event Pics account.

Text Event Pics was created to easily capture photos from the cell phones of event attendees and have them all available in one place, at your fingertips. Event Hosts receive an Event Phone Number when the host signs up, which is unique to each event account. The Event Phone Number makes it easy to text pictures to the event’s big screen as soon as they snapped, ensuring the perfect moment is never missed.

Corporate conference or holiday event? Karen the receptionist is finally letting loose on the dancefloor and Tim from finance is in the selfie booth. Luckily, the marketing team is snapping pictures with their iPhones, giving the CEO a chuckle as they display on the large screen. Each moment is captured to show that the annual office party was a complete success and team-building was accomplished in a compliant manner that won’t be discovered on Facebook the next day.

How does it work?

An event’s photo gallery can be viewed in real-time as photos are text messaged to your Event Phone Number, which is assessable by guests who text in photos – no log-in or username required.  From there, the footage can be instantly displayed on a monitor or screen of your choice to spark engagement throughout the event. Photos are additionally copyrighted as soon as they are texted into your Event Phone Number, giving you complete content ownership.Text Events Couple

Photos will be assessable following the event instantly and can be easily managed through the account holder to control the content and ensure that all footage is appropriate before sharing. Voila, photos captured, shared, and safely saved for your anniversary re-cap.

Perfect for office parties, corporate events, anniversaries, birthdays, holidays, and by event planners everywhere as the easy-to-manage solution to capture moments for any occasion. Ready to get started or interested to find out how to use Text Event Pics for your next event?

Ready to share some memories today?

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